The reasons women marry up and not down financially are for provision and safety. Unbeknownst to the average man the court protects a woman’s standard of living. If she decides to divorce the guy who raised her standard of living, the court makes him maintain her standard of living. Therefore, men must begin to think like women and marry women at their financial level or higher. Feminist ideology teaches women that men are disposable. If they are no longer satisfied with their husband, they got bored, or whatever they can end the marriage and the man will have to pay the price. This is why a man who is wealthy should never marry a waitress. Don’t be like OJ and have to learn the hard way. Women are always looking for benefits to their relationships with men. Whenever they can no longer see any benefit to being with the man they married they will leave him for another that has better benefits.
According to a study conducted by a group of family court attorneys 80% of divorce cases are filed by women. If a man is thinking about marrying a divorced woman, he has to listen carefully to find out why she left. Feminist ideology teaches women to claim the husband was abusive. But 95% of the time that won’t be true. If there was no abuse during dating and the first years of their marriage and the marriage turned abusive, then there is a reason why it happened. It takes two to tango and two to tangle. If a man starts punching his wife in the mouth, nine times out of ten, she was using her mouth as a weapon to fight him. A woman’s weapon of choice is her mouth. A man’s weapon of choice is his fist. Women get surprised when they use their weapon to fight and the man uses his weapon to fight back. When women get mad at men they like to hit. But they are always surprised whenever they are hit back. Then, their story becomes the man was abusive. However, they never tell you what led to the abuse.
I had a case where a woman reported that her husband poped her in the mouth and walked out. I didn’t see any bruses or swelling, which means he didn’t hit her hard, so I asked her if he had ever hit her before. She said no. I asked her then why do you think he hit you today? She explained that he lost his job and after six months it appeared to her that he had stopped looking for one. She figured that he needed a push so she began to berate him for doing more lounging than looking. I asked her what did you say to him that made him hit you. She said: “Well, I did call him a punk bitch for giving up.” The lady was genuinely surprised that after she used her weapon of choice he used his weapon of choice.
I had another case where a woman, who was a lesbian, was walking down the street with two other women. She got offended when a man tried to talk to her girlfriend. The woman jumped in the guy’s face barking like she was a man and acting like she was about to fight him. He served her up a quick vicious two piece and knocked her out cold. The women that were with her began to cry and scream: “he hit her like she was a man”. They didn’t want to grasp the facts that led up to her being hit like she was a man. It didn’t matter to them that she jumped in his face like she was a man. They didn’t care that she was talking as if she was ready to fight like she was a man. They didn’t care that he felt threatened. Yet, they were appalled that he treated her the same way that she presented herself; like a man.
It appears that today’s women who want equality believe that they do not have to take responsibility for anything that happens in their relationships. They claim abuse to absolve themselves of any blame for their marriages or relationships failing. Halle Berry, for example, has gone through a series of failed marriages where she either stated or implied that abuse was the cause for the end of those relationships. She said that one guy hit her hard enough to cause hearing loss. But, she never says who that guy was which leads me to question whether her allegation is true. She tormented former baseball all-star David Justice for decades by letting the media speculate that he might be the man in question.
However, in a People Magazine interview Justice vehemently denies that he ever hit her although their marriage was tumultuous. He said: “Every time she saw a picture of me with a woman, any woman who might have been standing by my side, she thought I was cheating. I’ve never known a girl who could throw a tantrum like she does.” Years later, Halle told Parade Magazine that her split from Justice (the man she once called her “prince on a white horse”) led her to attempt suicide.
Most people don’t know that 14% of domestic viiolence cases are reported by men. That percentage would be higher if more men were willing to admit that they got beat up by a girl. But one of the things domectic abusers do to torment their victims is either threaten to commit suicide or make an attempt. Another thing that they ALL (not some, all) do is constantly accuse their victims of cheating. As an award winning presenter of domestic violence prevention and awareness seminars with 25 years of experience dealing with domestic violence cases it appears to me that we have been allowing the abuser to claim to be the victim.
Whenever a woman makes a claim or gives the impression that a man abused her and/or her children and she knows that claim is either exaggerated or untrue then she is in actuality an abuser. If a woman marries a man for his money and then divorces him to get half of his money then she is an abuser. Domestic violence experts will tell you unequivocally that there is such a thing as “financial” abuse. However, they always put it in the context of a man exerting financial control over a woman. While they do indeed understand that domestic violence is also perpetrated by women they never stop to think about how abusive women commit “financial abuse” against men. The problem here is the law and the courts assist women in perpetrating this abuse.
Therefore, men must choose the women they marry very carefully. If they are doing well financially, they must avoid the woman who is looking to “level up” like their life depended on it. That’s because their financial life depends on it. They cannot depend on a prenuptial agreement to protect themselves financially because there are always loopholes in the law that allow women circumvent the agreement. Ergo, men must start to think like women when deciding whom they will marry. They must choose a woman who is either at their financial level or higher. A man must never marry a lady who wants to stop working after she starts having babies. Her financial level will fall and he will have to pay to keep her at his level if she arbitrarily decides to leave him.
Finally, men, we must take responsibility for our marriages ending as well. If your wife gets bored with you or no longer sees any benefit in being with you that is you fault. A woman was designed by GOD to be her husband’s help meet. If you don’t give her anything to help you with, she will get no benefit out of remaining married to you. This is particuarly true after the children are grown and you become empty nesters.
Couples spend so much time majoring in the minors that they forget to make a mission for the marriage after the minors are gone. So, men must give their wives a vision for what they will do and hope for how better their marriage will be after the kids leave. I hope Michelle Obama becomes the role model for women who want to be successful wives, mothers and business partners with their husbands. Like Michelle, a good wife has the capacity to help her husband become successful in business even though she may not like his business. Hopefully, observing Michelle will make every woman see that after her husband is successful and their kids are grown she can engage in her own personal interests apart from her husband without having to divorce or leave her husband.