“The price of knowledge is always lower than the cost of ignorance; pay the price or pay the cost.” ~ Dr. Will
Do you know why 53% of women divorce their husbands? It's because too many men get married before they learn how to be a husband. The husband is a family CEO. CEO's that can't do the job get fired. You already know that divorce is painful and expensive. This course is a type of divorce insurance. You can buy now or you will pay later. 1,238 of the men that bought this course have become millionaires and are using it to teach their sons. Those who are ready to become wealthy and a more effective family CEO will hit that buy now button immediately.
The King Makers Master Class is the playbook that will help you win the game of life and become a better husband, father, and provider. It contains essential knowledge every man needs to lay the spiritual foundation on which to build a happy, wealthy, and victorious life. Once you complete this class, you will become more powerful, more respectable, and better equipped to build generational wealth for your family.
The King Makers Master Class is the most comprehensive (4.5 hour) course ever offered to men that is designed to help you become a "master husband" and increase your wealth. It does not matter how old you are (18-80), you will learn a ton of things that are new, true, and that nobody told you.
There are 3 Parts to this Master Class. In this offer you'll receive
Part 1 : Executive Family Leadership. It will help you lay the spiritual foundation that every man must have under his feet in order to become an expert husband and father and be prepared to build generational wealth for his family successfully.
I strongly recommend getting the Maximizing Fatherhood book so that you can complete the Master Class homework assignments. Plus, it provides additional information and insight into some of the class segments that is not covered in the videos.
Brothers, we don’t fail in life because of what we know. We fail because of what we don’t know! The cost of ignorance is always higher than the price of knowledge. Men become wealthy because of what they know and they lose money because of what they don’t know. Too many men deprive themselves of a successful marriage because they were too cheap to invest in knowledge. You are here because it’s time for you to become a master husband. The best time to master husbandry is before you get married but it's not too late. Don’t wait until tomorrow, let’s GO!
Those who complete the full Executive Family Leadership portion of the King Makers Master Class are eligible to receive a certificate of completion suitable for framing. Simply send an email with PROOF of purchase attached along with how you want your NAME to appear on the certificate and the DATE that you completed the course. You will be given the option to purchase Parts 2 and 3 of the Master Class as well as an invitation to join an exclusive men's fraternity that you would be proud to be a member of. Send your email to: DrWill@drwillenterprises.com.
Dr Will Enterprises
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