In the fallout from the Derrick Jaxn scandal two young brothers with a 375 thousand subscriber YouTube Channel with called “The Roommates” posted a video titled: The Uncomfortable Truth About Cheating. One of the young men said: “The average man today is not ready to sign-up for monogamy. The average man today who becomes successful is not ready for his fame. Society does not prepare men for the night and day changes that come with success. Men who are raised by single mothers are not prepared for that.” This statement raises the question: is cheating a permanent part of our marriages and relationships now? What causes cheating and are men who are raised by single mothers more likely to cheat?
The roommates’ statement that the average man is not ready for monogamy is true for adult adolescents or man-sized boys. However, it is not true for REAL men who have the spiritual strength, character, and discipline to overcome temptation. Temptation is a test for weakness. There are three things in life that test a man’s spiritual strength and character: power, money, and access to sex. Young cats that have a lot of access to sex but no spiritual foundation will go around screwing Lottie, Dottie, and everybody. But men who are spiritually strong and disciplined understand the tragedy that cheating will bring into their family and how it will impact them financially. Strong men of character don’t allow the one-eyed trouser trout control their actions. They already know that as soon as he pukes he will start shrinking or backing up on you saying: aw man what did you just do?
Hopefully, young men who are not ready for monogamy won’t get married until they have gotten that lust out of their system. If no one has ever shared this fact with you guys remember: lust is a spirit. When you have sex with your wife you deposit whatever spirit you have in you into her. That is how the two become one flesh. Flesh in the biblical context is not your body but rather the content of your spiritual or fleshly nature. Having received the spirit of lust is the reason why a lot of women cheat on their husbands. These guys may not be cheating with a physical woman but the porn that they watch frequently is driven by the spirit of lust. Consequently, they inadvertently deposit the spirit of lust into their wife or girlfriend.
Whoever said what you don’t know won’t hurt you is a liar. We don’t fail in life because of what we know. We fail because of what we don’t know. In knowledge and information there is protection from the unknown. Most people know that there are only four things that young men want in this world: success, notoriety, money, and sex. However, what they don’t know is that if a young man gets ANY of them in abundance before he has been prepared to handle them they will destroy him.
Young men need to understand that there is nothing wrong with wanting to have great success and a lot of great sex. But, in this life you can’t get money for nothing and chicks for free. Everything has a price and men are going to always pay full price whether they want to or not. Therefore, in order to avoid karmic pitfalls and to truly be successful you must first be success FULL. That is, you must first be prepared spiritually to handle it. The problem is too many young men who need to be prepared for manhood and husbandry spiritually are anti-religion. They already know that they don’t have the knowledge they need to be a real effective man, husband, father, and provider but they are reluctant to receive the spiritual cure.
Older men such as myself are sitting here holding all (not some) of the answers they are searching for. But, one of the biggest problems we have in the social media era is the fact that young guys who have been raised by women tend to not want to receive knowledge, information, and wisdom from grown men. That’s because all of their lives they have heard women say men ain’t shit. They hate their fathers from being absent from their lives so they would rather listen to each other. Too many young men are failures or still living with their mother because they would rather get schooled by a professor rather than a confessor. A professor can tell you what to do but a confessor can tell you what they did. Ergo, young men need a grown man, not their peers, to lead them into manhood. Until they are raised up spiritually young men will continue to validate their manhood by slinging their ding-a-ling,
Finally, I want to tell my young brothers affirmatively that you were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Your desire to cheat or have sex with multiple women is a part of your sinful nature. However, GOD intended for you to go through life as the husband of one wife so HE must have a plan to help you overcome your natural sexual desires. This is the reason why GOD gave you the power of the Holy Spirit to take up residence in you. The Holy Spirit will empower you to overcome any obstacle that you might face in life including the two deadliest of the seven deadly sins which are lust and greed. The power of the Holy Spirit will help you defeat the temptations of power, money, and sex. Temptation is a satanic test for weakness. Your character is determined by the temptations that you have the strength to survive. Without spiritual strength you will always fall to temptation.
Guys, if you plan to be successful, let me help you receive the power and strength of character you need to overcome any obstacle, face every temptation, and skillfully handle the sex and sin traps that come with notoriety and lots of money. Click this LINK to sign up for my Master Class today.