You can’t make an omelet without cracking some eggs. You can’t fry chicken without plucking a few feathers. And you can’t have steak without killing a cow. Maximizing Fatherhood scrambles some eggs, ruffles feathers, and kills the sacred cows that tend to keep men struggling to lead, guide, and provide for their families. Men cannot produce REAL change in their lives or create wealth for their families if they don’t eliminate some of their OLD thoughts and beliefs. The husband and father is an executive position similar to a CEO. CEOs become better in their profession though continuing education. CEOs have places they can go and learn to be a better CEO but where can a man go and learn to be a better husband, father, and provider? Maximizing Fatherhood provides Bible based knowledge men need to end the struggles that come with being a family CEO and to become masters in all of their leadership roles.
73% of wealthy people in America are business owners. Business success is built on a foundation of the right knowledge, skill set, and mindset. The primary reason 85% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years is due to business owners is having the wrong mindset. In order to be a long term employee a person must be conditioned mentally to accept being held in employee captivity. Banks and investors often reject people who have great business plans that still think like employees because they lack the mental tenacity to run a business successfully. Wealth and poverty are not states of money they are states of mind! If you want to change your money, you must first change your mind. Mind Your Business shares Bible based knowledge on how to overcome the employee mentality and acquire the mental tenacity to run a business successfully and increase profits exponentially. We don’t fail in life, love, or business because of what we know. We fail because of what we don’t know. If you never let anyone teach you how to operate in or increase your business successfully, you will never know what you didn’t know. Business owners who apply this knowledge work only 8-10 hours per day rather than 12-18 and get to spend more time with their families while increasing profits.
The Church’s Prosperity Message has begun to feel like a con game to most believers because the promises preached on what GOD is “about to” or “going to” do never come true. Jesus preached only ONE message everywhere He went: “Repent, for the kingdom of GOD is at hand.” He knew that in order to get people to say “no” to something you must give them something to say “yes” to. Repentance is saying no to the ways of the world. The reward for repenting or saying no to the world is access to the riches of the kingdom of GOD. Accessing New Covenant Wealth shares the truth on how to obtain the wealth that the word of GOD does indeed promise but the Prosperity Message fails to deliver. It also reveals the shocking reason why wealth and prosperity has not broken through for you. If you are thinking that you cannot afford to buy this book, the truth is you can’t afford not to buy it.
The 2019 government shutdown revealed the average American who has a good job and goes to work every day is only two paychecks away from poverty. Government employees and contractors had their paychecks withheld for 35 days and it sent a great number of them to soup kitchens for food and their homes into foreclosure. The shutdown revealed 44% of Americans are only one $400 Dollar emergency away from a financial crisis. We all learned the lesson simultaneously that there is NO such thing as job security and that having a job does not guarantee you will get paid. People had to report to work every day but received no money. The shutdown made it compellingly clear that it is dangerous to have only one stream of income. It’s imperative for every family leader to have at least 2 or 3 streams of income (to have a job and a business) in order to avoid suddenly finding your family in financial crisis. This book has all the information you need to help you make the transition from employee to entrepreneur and from job insecurity to becoming wealthy.
It’s time that we solve the problem of single mothers being accused of causing all of society’s ills because they do not have the knowledge to raise a boy into manhood. Critics say that a woman may be able to keep a boy out of trouble until he becomes an adult male but she cannot teach him to be a man… My question to them has always been: If a mother doesn’t have the knowledge necessary to teach a boy to be a man, why won’t you give it to her? A mother is a child’s first teacher. The message she gives to her son he will deliver to the world. So why not give a mom the information she needs?
Single Mothers and Sons: A Journey into Manhood shares all the information mothers need to lead their sons into manhood...
Money DOES Grow on Trees 1% of American families control over 80% of American wealth. Money Does Grow on Trees is designed to correct the imbalance of wealth caused by an imbalance of knowledge. The difference between you and a Billionaire is the knowledge they have and how they apply it. The only reason you don’t have the money that a Billionaire has is because you don’t know what Billionaires know.
Look Inside Money DOES Grow on TreesRelationships 911: Surviving Love's Emergencies At a time when 53% of marriages in America end in divorce and 60% of men as well as 55% of women have had extramarital affairs Relationships 911: Surviving Love's Emergencies provides urgent assistance for couples who really want to build and maintain a happy and healthy relationship. A relationship can appear to be happy and then reality comes along and slaps you in the face. Relationships 911: Surviving Love’s Emergencies, will give you the knowledge you need to keep your relationships happy, healthy, and wealthy.
Look Inside Relationships 911: Surviving Love's EmergenciesThe Small Stuff: Essential Essays for Exceptional Relationships The inspiration for this book came from two guys in a locker room: a veteran and a rookie. The rookie was about to shave with a face full of foam. The veteran asked him sternly “What are you doing?” The rookie said “I’m going to shave.” The veteran said “No one uses foam anymore; use this Edge Gel. The rookie looked at him as if he was about to cry and said “Nobody told me!” His response struck my heart and I said to myself, ohooo that’s it! Nobody told me.
Look Inside The Small Stuff: Essential Essays for Exceptional RelationshipsSecrets of the Fortune 500 If you are not ready for your life to dramatically change this is not the book for you. Providence occasionally yields a once in life time gift that changes everything in our lives: the way we live, the way we love, our financial status, and so on. This book will drastically change the way you see all other information around you. It will make you see Bible verses like you’ve never seen them before and change your idea of who you really are. The knowledge herein can be used to launch any business into Fortune 500 status.
Look Inside Secrets of the Fortune 500A Bible based audio book for men about women. Most men struggle financially due to a lack of knowledge about the power that GOD placed in women to create wealth. Men often risk losing their family by chasing money when the power they need to get wealth is lying next to them in bed sleeping quietly. Women who are seeking to be empowered will learn they already are empowered.
“There’s no force more powerful than a woman on the rise.” ~ Lori Greiner, Shark Tank
Debt is a form a bondage that keeps us working for others rather than ourselves. Make no mistake about it. While we are standing at the bank window to cash our paycheck, all of our creditors are virtually standing behind us waiting to be paid. In order to achieve debt freedom, you will need a 13 step affirmative action plan. Affirmative action is something a person does for him or herself not something others do for them. So, take the following actions and soon you will be debt free.
Unlike middle-class workers wealthy people view the mortgage interest tax deduction as a deduction not a tax elimination. Wealthy people understand that you will never get a tax deduction big enough to offset the interest you paid so they pay less for their homes comparatively by refusing to finance them long term. Working class people on the other hand have been led to believe the tax deduction has value. Ergo, they keep themselves saddled with mortgage debt longer than they should to retain the deduction but that causes them to pay more for their home. If you follow these mortgage reduction strategies, you will eliminate your mortgage debt quickly, pay less to own your property, and be able to live debt free.
Identify theft is the fastest growing crime in America which affects approximately 7 to 10 million people annually. Identity theft is the act of stealing someone else’s personal information or identity and using it to enrich their self illegally. Frighteningly, in most cases, once people realize they have been victimized the damage has already been done. Families find themselves in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and/or their home in foreclosure. The average family remains unprotected because companies charge large monthly fees to provide protection. However, if you follow the information in this book, you will discover a way to protect your family from identity thieves that is free of monthly fees.
This tough and direct to the point audio book reveals the unique profile of abusive men; their common habits and characteristics as well as why they pick the women they choose. It is a no nonsense guide for women on how to identify men who are likely to abuse that they can use to prevent themselves from getting involved with one. This audio book will arm you with the knowledge you need to recognize abusers, resist their charm and escape potential harm. Men can use the knowledge here also to help protect their mothers, sisters and daughters.
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