Mind Your Business

Mind Your Business

A book titled mind your business by dr william c. small
The foundation for excellence in business is comprised of the right knowledge, skill set, and mindset. The primary problem plaguing new business owners is overcoming the employee mentality. In order to hold a person in employee captivity they must be chained mentally. Banks and investors often reject people with great business plans who still think like employees because they lack the capacity to run a business successfully. Wealth and poverty are not states of money they are states of mind! If you want to change your money, you must first change your mind. Mind Your Business shares Bible based knowledge on how to renew your mind and access GOD’s skill sets to achieve business excellence.

CD Track Listing

Track 01. Mind Your Business
Track 02. A Wealthy State of Mind
Track 03. The Politics of Business
Track 04. Recognize Your True Identity
Track 05. Harness Your Personal Power
Track 06. You Were Created to do Business
Track 07. Do What the Wealthy Do
Track 08. What is Money? 
Track 09. Your Subconscious Creates Money
Track 10. SOS: Save Our Seed
Track 11. Wealth Building Principles
Track 12. The Power of Productivity

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