“He that walks with wise men shall be wise...” ~ Proverbs 13:20
Did you know that Warren Buffet does nothing but read 6 hours every day? If you intend to be wealthy you are fooling yourself if you are not a reader. Most wealthy people are voracious readers of material in their areas of interest. A simple prescription for success in life, love, and business is those who do what wise men do shall be esteemed as wise men are. This maxim is also true for wealth. Those who do what wealthy men have done can become wealthy as well. When you use the same map and follow the same roads, you can reach the same destination. If you read the writings of most millionaires and billionaires you will find that they all have basically the same mindset, followed essentially the same principles, and they all achieved massive success.
If you desire to be successful it is wise to find as many people that are already successful who are willing to share their knowledge of success. When I did this I noticed that as they shared what I call their Points for Success, many of them were saying the same things. It became no surprise to me then that they all achieved the same results.
One of the other things that wealthy people have done is discovered, maximized, and monetized the inherent resources of their families. Then they transfer this principle from their families into their business by maximizing and monetizing the inherent resources of their employees. Every person is born with inherent knowledge, gifts, talents abilities and energy. Each day, most of us, lease our knowledge, gifts, talents abilities and energy to an employer for an hourly wage or salary. The employer then uses our inherent assets to make himself and/or his family wealthy.
According to The US Department of Commerce, US auto makers earn $14 for every $1 that they pay their workers. The employee who earns $28 per hour makes their employer $3,136 per day.
What if you could find a way to keep the lion’s share of the value of what your knowledge, gifts, talents, abilities and energy is actually worth for you and your family? If you properly monetized your family’s inherent assets and then transferred that currency into a business, you could become as wealthy as Ford or GM. Once a family changes the way that they monetize their knowledge, gifts, talents, abilities and energy, they will be able to change their position financially and increase their wealth substantially.
Many of the world’s millionaires and billionaires built their fortunes on the foundation of strong family; they deploy their inherent knowledge, gifts, talents, abilities and energy collectively for the good of the family. They understand that GOD designed the family to be the primary organization for wealth generation and they diligently adhere to the universal principles that cause wealth to be produced.
Your family can be your passport to wealth if you understand how the principles work to empower a family to create wealth. Individuals can get rich but committed partners working together can create wealth. Again, family is the primary organization for wealth generation. Contrary to popular belief every family can be wealthy. Click here to read my book “Money DOES Grow on Trees” and discover the principles that cause money to grow on the family tree.
Wealthy men understand that every wife was born with the gift of service inside of her. She was designed to be a helper to her husband. Men who want to be wealthy must recognize, then, that GOD made her to help him and learn how to utilize her gifts along with her talents and abilities to help him create a strong family and build wealth exponentially. This principle will work properly if we cast aside the chauvinist and feminist ideologies of popular society that keeps us trying to dominate our partners rather than cooperate with each other.
Many men who currently operate a business work 16-18 hour days but still struggle to make ends meet because no one told them that a business is a physical entity that has spiritual properties. They struggle because they don’t know that their wife has spiritual properties that were given to her by GOD to make her family wealthy. Men work hard to build the business physically because they don’t know how to combine physical labor with spiritual power. Learning how to utilize his family’s inherent powers correctly will end a man’s struggle financially. Once he learns how to use his wife’s spiritual properties to empower his business it will increase his family’s wealth exponentially.
My brothers, a business is not just a physical property it is also a spiritual entity. It existed in the unseen realm as a vision or idea before it manifested in physical form. A business enters the world as a newborn does and must be nurtured properly just like a baby or it will suffer deprivation dwarfism and fail to grow. A man may have the knowledge to start and run a business but most men don’t have the maternal instinct to nurture a newborn. There is a spiritual force hidden in women that is designed to help a baby grow and that same force can be used to help a baby business thrive.
Every company that grew to become a Fortune 500 corporation had a woman in it somewhere who loved the business enough when it was a baby to use her maternal power to help it grow big and strong. Most super wealthy men (not rich guys) cherish their wives because they understand the value of her power and appreciate the support she gave them in bringing prosperity to their lives.
There are principles common to successful business creation and growth. You will hear almost all highly successful business people speak about these common principles in similar ways. If you are tired of working everyday for limited benefits and low pay, reading the life stories of millionaires and billionaires will help you realize that they were once where you are. If you follow their advice and do what they did, you can get to be where they are. “He that walks with wise men shall be wise...”
Dr William C. Small is the author of many Bible based business books including “Secrets of the Fortune 500”. You can find out more about Dr Will at www.drwillenterprises.com
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