The issue most men have in trying to lead, manage, and provide for a family is no one really took the time to teach us anything. We are doing the best we can and sometimes we consult men in ministry but they also know little if anything. So, proverbially, we are blind being led by the blind. In an effort to resolve this issue I produced an audio book entitled: "There's Gold in Them Heels" that gives men of GOD the knowledge they need to take advantage of an opportunity that guys have long been missing. That is, utilizing the power that GOD placed in a woman inherently to help men produce wealth exponentially.
“But you shall remember the Lord your GOD: for it is HE that gives you power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).”
My brothers, Deuteronomy 8:18 was written to teach you that GOD has given you power to get wealth in two ways. One of the ways you have power to get wealth is through birth. When you were born GOD gave you a birthday present. Inside of that gift box was a unique set of knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities that were designed to do two things: #1) give you the provision required to help you complete and fulfill your created purpose; and #2) equip and empower you to become wealthy.
You were BORN with the power to become wealthy already inside of you but if you don’t know that you have this power you will never receive the wealth associated with it. That is like being told you have a million dollars in the bank but not being told which bank it is in so you can’t access the account! Most men have no knowledge of their internal power so they try to obtain wealth through external resources. Christian men are waiting on GOD to deliver wealth to them. However, Ephesians 3:20 says that GOD can abundantly exceed whatever you can think to ask HIM to give you, but what HE is able to give you will be limited by the power that you allow to work IN you. GOD has already set the table. Now you just have to come to the table and eat.
Proverbs 18:22 says: “Whoso finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the LORD.”
The second reason Deuteronomy 8:18 says you have the power to get wealth is GOD gave you the power to get a wife. Just like you, your wife received a birthday present from GOD too. Her gift box also contains a unique set of knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities. This is important because the woman was designed by GOD to be her husband’s help meet. That means her birthday gift given to her to help her husband complete and fulfill his created purpose. While helping her husband she is actually fulfilling her own GOD ordained created purpose.
A woman’s gift has the power to make her rich but it also has the power to multiply exponentially when she uses it to help her husband to become wealthy. In the process, she makes herself and her whole family wealthy. Feminists who get upset when a wife stands by her cheating wealthy husband don’t understand that she is not standing by the man. She is standing by the wealth she built in her family! She knows that if she divorced him he will probably marry a younger woman and have more children. She also knows he is likely to die before she does. Therefore, she stays to protect her children’s inheritance and ensure it isn’t split with another woman's children after he dies.
To assist the woman in fulfilling her created purpose, because husbands can be stubborn and hard headed, GOD gave the woman a spiritual power called “currency”. First, let me say that we have been led to use the terms money, cash and currency interchangeably when they are three different things entirely. Cash is the paper and coins or physical entities that we use to exchange for things. Money is an idea that is ethereal in nature so it is not physical. Money does not become a physical property until we infuse it with cash and turn it into something tangible. Currency is the spiritual property of money and cash that gives them the power to flow from one person to another.
Every physical entity has a spiritual property. Wealth is a physical entity and currency is the spiritual property of wealth. GOD put the spiritual property of currency in women to give them POWER to attract wealth and cause their families to become wealthy. This power is actually called by most religious people virtue. However, religious people only view virtue as a moral value or feminine quality not an actual power. The spiritual power of currency or virtue is activated in women by faith through expectancy. Expectancy is the power part of faith that moves mountains, creates something out of nothing, or causes something very small to become huge such as one dollar to become one million….
You can get the rest of this message by clicking here and downloading the audio book “There’s Gold in Them Heels”. Those who do will be glad you did!