What is the “tithe year”? If you have no idea what the tithe year is, then you should stop right here and download this book immediately. It’s time for you to learn the TRUTH about how tithing originated, how much you are supposed to tithe, and when. If you are a tither and you think that you cannot afford to buy this book, you must understand that tithing is the reason you can’t afford it. The cost of ignorance is always higher than the price of knowledge. The Truth about Tithing will save those of you who tithe $4,000 each year at least $8,000 over a 3 year period by showing you in the Bible what GOD said about who is supposed to tithe and when. There are many verses in the Bible about tithing that you were never taught about because they clearly show what GOD said about who must tithe and why.
Dr Will Enterprises
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