
Manscape: Cultivating the Perfect Life

A book titled manscape cultivating the perfect life
So many men are frustrated that they can’t find a job in this downturned economy. But do you want to know the REAL reason why they are not working? It’s because the things that they have been thinking and believing all of their life is not working. We are the sum total of what we have been thinking. Our world, our station in life, and our financial status are a product of our own beliefs. Men cannot produce REAL change in their lives or improve the lives of the people they are leading if they don’t shake up some of their OLD paradigms, thoughts, and beliefs. If you want to recreate your world, elevate your status, and change your money you must first change your mind. Manscape will feed your mind with new knowledge that will help you cultivate the perfect personal, professional, and financial life.

Book Outline:

About the Author
Sample Chapter 1: Who Are You? (pdf)
  • Who You are in Christ 
  • Where R You Going?
  • What we have in Christ 
  • What we can do in Christ 
  • GOD Prospers HIS Sons
  • GOD Protects HIS Sons
  • GOD Creates Provision for HIS Sons
  • GOD Gave HIS Sons Authority & Dominion
  • What we are Supposed to do in Christ
A book titled manscape cultivating the perfect life
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